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Photovoltaic Panels

Photovoltaic Panels
Photovoltaic Panels
Photovoltaic Panels
Photovoltaic Panels
Photovoltaic Panels
Photovoltaic Panels
Photovoltaic Panels
Photovoltaic Panels
Photovoltaic Panels

SILCIO Polycrystalline Photovoltaic Panels, with nominal Power up to 240 Watt per frame


- High quality due to automated production and strict quality controls

- Positive power rating (-0W / + 4.99W)

- Low temperature power factor

- Certified for total wind and snow load up to 5400 Pa

- Ventilated junction box with excellent exhaust heat, built-in escape ducts and ease of connection

- Specially treated glass for increased resistance to hail and stresses, as well as a high rate of absorption of solar radiation

- Homogeneous appearance and elegant design - Packaging that ensures the safe transport of the frames

- Silcio is certified according to international standards ISO 9001: 2008, EN ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007

PV panels are certified by TUV INTERCERT according to the standards IEC 61215 & EN 61730-1 / 2.

The efficiency of the PV panels is guaranteed at 90% of the original one 10 years after delivery to the customer and 80% of the original 25 years.

There is an additional 12 year manufacturer warranty for material failure *

Ex Tax: 0.00€
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